Band Statement
To quote an old showbiz saying, “The show must NOT go on!”
It’s with great disappointment that we announce the postponement of our 2020 tour. We know you wanted to see us, and we wanted to see you too. And they wanted to see us also. Not to mention them. But as we retreat back into ourselves and try to pick up the pieces, we drop our keys, and after our keys, we drop our glasses. And without our glasses, it becomes very difficult to find the pieces we were looking for. But I digress. I’d like tell you when the new shows will be, but I’m a lousy scientist, and an even worse doctor.
It’s with even greater disappointment that we move our record release date to August 21st. They say good things come to those who wait, and even better things come to those who wait longer. And then they tell you not to procrastinate. What kind of sense does that make? To try and make it up to you, we’re hard at work on another record. And expect some new tracks and videos in the meantime.
In times of global turmoil, I find it comforting to recall something the late great Abraham Lincoln once said. After that, I like to take a large ice cube out from the freezer and suck on it for a couple of minutes
♥Light and Love♥
Brian and Michael D’Addario